Carry the Water
The 75th Anniversary Celebration and related campaigns are no longer active. Please take a look at the latest activities available in our Church in Action Section.
Carry the Water Campaign
I believe that everyone should have access to clean water.
More than a billion people around the world do not have access to clean water. Every 15 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease.
Pollution and scarcity of this precious resource is an even greater challenge in parts of the world where women and girls bear the primary responsibility for finding and collecting water. Often, young girls can’t go to school because they have to walk for miles to find fresh water for cooking, bathing, drinking and other basic needs.
Episcopal Relief & Development is committed to ensuring that safe and clean water is accessible even in the most rural communities.
Our water programs are part of an integrated strategy that focuses on preventing the spread of disease while promoting overall community health and well-being. Our work also includes:
- Building wells and piping systems to prevent waterborne illnesses
- Installing water stations and systems such as rainwater catchment tanks that increase access to safe sources of water
- Training community members on the use and maintenance of water systems
- Providing critical education on proper handwashing and hygiene
- Integrating water programs with sanitation and hygiene practices to prevent the pollution of land and water sources
What’s in Your Toolkit
There are many ways you can go out and make a difference. Here are all the individual tools you’ll need to spread the word about this important work. All the materials are free. We welcome you to access them as you encourage your community to invest in our vital mission. Thank you!
Episcopal Relief & Development History Overview
75th Anniversary Celebration and Campaign Overview
Guide to Planning Celebration Efforts in Your Parish, Diocese, Episcopal Group
Ideas for Fundraising and Getting Involved
75th Anniversary Gift Packages for Churches
Frequently Asked Questions: Water and Sanitation
Frequently Asked Questions: Asset-Based Community Development
Frequently Asked Questions: Episcopal Relief & Development Organization
Bulletin Insert – Carry the Water
Order: 75th Anniversary Timeline Brochure
Order: 75th Anniversary Campaign Donation Envelopes
Order: 75th Anniversary Hope Chest
Prayers of the People – Short
Prayers of the People – Expanded
Formal Preface
Collect for the 75th Anniversary
Create Your Own Personal Fundraising Page
Instructions for Setting Up Individual Fundraising Pages on Stay Classy
Christian Formation Materials for Youth on Water
Abundant Life Garden Project for Children
Video: Episcopal Relief & Development General – Long
Video: Episcopal Relief & Development General – Short
Video: Episcopal Relief & Development in Spanish
Video: I Believe Together We Can Heal A Hurting World
Video: Sanitation and Hygiene
Video: Clean Water Programs
Story: “Green” Innovations Story in Haiti
Story: Seniors Work Together to Bring Fresh Water in China
Display Board
Display Board Example Image
Download: 75th Anniversary Graphic – Color
Download: 75th Anniversary Graphic – Black & White
Download: Episcopal Relief & Development Logo – Color
Program Photos 
Carry the Water Stickers
75th Anniversary Sticker Instructions
Questions? Email us or call 855.312.HEAL (4325).