Giving Donors A Chance to Double Their Impact During the 2024 Holiday Match Campaign

Episcopal Relief & Development Is Giving Donors A Chance to Double Their Impact During Its Holiday Match Campaign
Press Release
November 11, 2024
Episcopal Relief & Development has launched its Holiday Match Campaign to support global needs around the world. Now until December 31, donors can double the impact of their donations with qualifying contributions matched up to $750,000.
Contributions to the Holiday Match Campaign will benefit the Global Needs Fund–a critical resource to help continue work in Episcopal Relief & Development’s focus areas. Support of the campaign will be used by our partners to make a lasting impact through long-term programs in their local communities, focusing on:
- Supporting young children’s development through nurturing care throughout Africa
- Reducing gender-based violence and support women’s financial self-sufficiency globally, including Liberia, Vanuatu and Honduras
- Investing in at-risk communities to help them adapt to climate change in places experiencing chronic drought like Tanzania, Angola and Brazil
- Responding to global disasters, wars and other crises, and accompanying people as they recover
“Generous contributions from our supporters help us create lasting change alongside our global partners, and these contributions are restoring dignity around the world,” said Judy Sawler, Director, Direct Response Marketing for Episcopal Relief & Development. “This year, we invite our supporters to double the impact of their gift so that we can continue to share hope with communities around the world.”
Contributions made to Episcopal Relief & Development before the end of the year are eligible for matching, including Gifts for Life, and direct contributions online, over the phone, or by mail. Gifts of stocks, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) and from donor advised funds (DAFs) are also included in the Holiday Match Campaign.
Donors wishing to take advantage of the dollar-for-dollar match should give their gift between now and December 31. Donate online or call 1.855.312.4325. Gifts can also be mailed to Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 3006, Harlan, IA 51593-0024.
For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has worked with an extensive network of faith and community partners to advance lasting change in communities affected by injustice, poverty, disaster and climate change. Inspired by our faith, we reach over three million people each year by focusing on four interconnected priorities: nurturing the potential of caregivers and young children, reducing violence against women and girls, strengthening communities’ resilience to climate change and facilitating humanitarian response to disasters. Together with our partners, we leverage what’s working well to drive impact, learning and sustainability. Together, we create lasting change. Join us: