Response to January Tornadoes
US Disaster Response Program
Episcopal Relief & Development’s US Disaster Response Program assists diocesan leaders in responding to disasters by providing them with access to the Ready to Serve volunteer database, technical resources and connections to others around the country who have faced similar challenges.
When necessary, we may also provide emergency financial assistance to supplement these resources, enabling churches to reach out to their most vulnerable neighbors. Emergency funds are distributed through the local bishop’s office, often with the help of a Diocesan Disaster Coordinator, who communicates with Episcopal Relief & Development’s US Disaster Program Manager. To learn who your Diocesan Disaster Coordinator is, click here[DDC map link].
When a disaster happens, it’s common to see an even greater need for assistance a few months after the event — after the National Guard, TV cameras and aid agencies have gone. We partner with Episcopal dioceses for the long term as they work to minister to underserved and marginalized populations in their communities, enabling them to make a full and sustained recovery.
US Disaster Preparedness Initiative
Our US Disaster Preparedness Initiative works with dioceses to increase their resilience and ability to recover quickly from disasters. The program is building a national volunteer and skill database called Ready to Serve, holding local and regional trainings, and assisting dioceses with coordination and planning. Our Resources Library includes disaster response tools and stories from dioceses and parishes, allowing best practices to be shared throughout the Church. To browse these resources, click the Resources & Learning widget at right.
To learn more about preparedness activities in your own diocese, contact your Diocesan Disaster Coordinator[DDC map link].