Early Childhood Development

The quality of nurturing care that children receive during the first 1,000 days of life affects them in ways that last a lifetime. That’s why investing in parents, caregivers and young children during the critical 0–3 age is so important.
Episcopal Relief & Development’s evidence-based approach to Early Childhood Development (ECD) prioritizes the most vulnerable children 0-3 years old through efforts like Moments That Matter® (MTM), our flagship ECD program partnership.
In partnership with local faith institutions—like churches—and community leaders, Episcopal Relief & Development’s ECD programming focuses on five key areas that serve as building blocks for a child’s full and healthy development:
- Equipping and supporting parents and primary caregivers to deliver the highest quality care, ensuring their children are reaching important physical, mental and emotional milestones.
- Preventing disease and protecting the health of children by training community volunteers to support caregivers, conduct home health visits and connect caregivers to local health services when needed.
- Creating opportunities for families to increase their income through community-led savings and loan groups and other financial support so caregivers can better provide for themselves and their children.
- Improving food security and nutrition for children and families by educating caregivers about good nutrition—including the startup of kitchen gardens, healthy cooking classes and information about age-appropriate diets.
- Protecting children and families by equipping community leaders, including faith leaders, to support families and caregivers while using their status in the community to reduce unhealthy factors like neglect and exposure to violence, and promoting positive behaviors.
Learn more about our approach to Early Childhood Development and our flagship ECD program, Moments That Matter® (MTM).