Combined Federal Campaign

Workplace giving campaigns provide federal government employees with an opportunity to:
- Donate to their favorite charity
- Support their employer’s philanthropic goals
Through Global Impact (, Episcopal Relief & Development participates in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC is an annual workplace giving campaign for federal employees, administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Are you a federal employee or retiree who would like to support Episcopal Relief & Development? If so, please make your CFC pledge by December 15 or the date set by your local campaign.
Episcopal Relief & Development’s CFC code is 80416. In some cases, we may be listed under Global Impact, which then allocates a portion of the gift to Episcopal Relief & Development.
For more information on workplace giving campaigns, please contact your workplace giving coordinator or visit Our dedicated staff also will try to answer any questions you may have about supporting us. Please send an email to