Be Not Afraid

Our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, calls us to “Be not afraid.” I take his words to heart in these tense times.
Terrorism is not an abstract risk around the world and certainly not in New York City where I live with my family. If you let it, fear can paralyze you.
However, I find that the best way to fight fear is to be prepared.
This weekend, my wife and I are getting ready to welcome our daughter home from college and planning the Thanksgiving meal we will share with friends and family. Before next Thursday, I will make sure my cell phone is fully charged and loaded with key contact numbers. I’ll also check to make sure we have enough food, water and cash to get us through a week if life is disrupted. Then, I will put fear out of my mind and focus on all that we have to give thanks for.
If you’d like to take a few moments to be prepared for potential catastrophic events, here are some resources to consider:
During this challenging time, let us remember Jesus’ words in John 14:27.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.
May you and your family enjoy the many blessings of the season and a peaceful start to Advent.

Rob Radtke is President of Episcopal Relief & Development.
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