Global Church Partners Complete Disaster Toolkit

What has been increasingly clear in the last few months is the valuable role of faith communities in our troubled world. In Liberia, populations affected by Ebola are more inclined to listen to health messaging from their priests than from the government health officers. In Central America, church leaders have been uniquely positioned to bridge gaps between government and armed groups and to fight for justice. In the Philippines, the Church has provided visionary leadership in transforming communities as they recover from the devastating typhoon.

Today, on International Disaster Risk Reduction day, Episcopal Relief & Development takes this opportunity to present a long-awaited resource that builds on that wealth of history and experience of our church partners. The Pastors & Disasters Toolkit is a resource developed by a Working Group of 12 global Church partners who have worked tirelessly over the past three years to research, edit, test and format this document. Working Group members represented churches from Australia, Brazil, Burundi, China, El Salvador, Mozambique, Myanmar, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom and the United States. Below is the online version of the Toolkit. You can also view it by clicking here:
The Toolkit not only adapts many existing resources, but creates new ones to meet the needs of the Anglican context. This is the first of its kind for the Anglican Communion, and was born out of the idea that church communities can continue to learn from each other and enhance our collective strength. The Toolkit focuses on Four Core Competencies: Community Mobilization, Risk Assessment, Disaster Risk Reduction Implementation and Disaster Response.

On behalf of the Working Group, we invite you to share this resource with your church networks, so that as part of a collective, global effort, we can continue to heal our hurting world. You can learn more about the International Disaster Preparedness Program by clicking on the video below or going here.

Nagulan Nesiah is a Program Officer with Episcopal Relief & Development.
Images: Top, asset mapping in the Philippines. Bottom, asset mapping in Nicaragua.
Healing the world starts with your story!
During the 75th Anniversary Celebration, we are sharing 75 stories over 75 weeks – illustrating how lives are transformed through the shared abundance of our partners and friends like you! We invite you to join us in inspiring/energizing our vibrant community by sharing your own story!