Guatemalan Youth Make a Difference through Reforestation Program

By Meg Hall
This week our team is attending the Episcopal Youth Event 2014, or EYE14. For the uninitiated, EYE14 is a gathering of Episcopal youth to discuss the social issues of our time as well as consider deeper engagement with those issues. It’s pretty awesome, so much so that it inspired us to look at what young people in other parts of our global community are doing. To that end, we came across our partners in Guatemala.
Since 2012, Episcopal Relief & Development has partnered with the Episcopal Diocese of Guatemala to mobilize youth for the environment, leading workshops and reforestation initiatives in cities across the country.
Many have enrolled in the program for several consecutive years, deepening their investment in the health of their environment. Similarly, over 300 EYE14 participants will be staying over in Philadelphia to engage in local projects.
So in the spirit of those in Philadelphia and young people all over the world seeking to make a difference in their communities, check out this video to hear young Guatemalans talk about their experience of empowerment and engagement. Enjoy and share!
More information about EYE14:
EYE14 social media hub here.
Twitter Hashtag is #EYE14
Live webcasts here. (all Eastern times)
Facebook Page #EYE14
Event Application Links:

Meg Hall is the 2014 Sewanee Summer Intern for Episcopal Relief & Development.
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