President Robert W. Radtke Shares Easter Meditation

We have invited writers to explore what it means to live faithfully in community. What can we do in partnership that we cannot do alone?
For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.
—Romans 12:4-5
As president of Episcopal Relief & Development, I know the meaning of together. We are a diverse family that includes staff, board, donors, partners and those in need of a helping hand. We are one body, but each of us has unique gifts and roles to play in healing a hurting world. And yet, we can only do our work together in community.
Moses does not go alone; he brings together a group of seventy elders to rule over Israel. Jesus doesn’t either; he calls together the twelve and sends them out, two by two, to share the Good News in word and deed. Jesus rises from the dead to live among the whole human family.
As a part of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we are not alone in our work. We work with Anglican and Episcopal dioceses and provinces, along with other Christian and faith-based organizations and groups of our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters.
Every day, I thank God and pray for members of our Episcopal Relief & Development team and extended family. I hope you will join me in prayer and thanksgiving for all who are a part of our family of faith as we begin this holy season of Easter.