Haiti Frequently Asked Questions

What is Episcopal Relief & Development doing in Haiti?

Please visit the Haiti country page for the most up-to-date information on Haiti. You can also see where we work on InterAction’s Haiti Aid Map.

Can I volunteer?

Episcopal Relief & Development does not facilitate volunteer placements with our overseas partners. To volunteer in the United States, please visit our Volunteer page.

Where can I find more information about the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti?

The Episcopal Diocese of Haiti is one of the Church’s largest and most socially engaged dioceses, with 97 churches serving over 83,000 people and 200 schools serving more than 6,000 students.

For more information about the Episcopal Church in Haiti, visit http://www.egliseepiscopaledhaiti.org/.

Does Episcopal Relief & Development accept in-kind gifts?

We do not accept in-kind donations. Shipping critical supplies to Haiti or any country after a disaster is very challenging because it involves receiving goods in the US and spending money to transport them. It is not an effective use of our resources. The best way to help people impacted by a disaster such as the Haiti earthquake is by holding them in prayer and making a monetary donation.

How can I help a particular church, school or orphanage, or other institution in Haiti?

Following the earthquake, many individuals and church entities have been interested in supporting institutions with which they have a special relationship. Direct donations to churches, schools and other diocesan institutions should be coordinated through the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti. You can view a map of Episcopal institutions in Haiti on the Haiti Episcopal Partnerships website.

How does the Episcopal Church’s Haiti earthquake response differ from Episcopal Relief & Development’s?

The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief & Development are supporting the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti in different but complementary ways during the country’s long-term recovery and rebuilding process. Our work concentrates on humanitarian programs, while the Episcopal Church is helping to rebuild Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince. Please visit the Haiti country page for more information.