Episcopal Relief & Development Launches Year-End Match Campaign

Press Release
November 17, 2021
Episcopal Relief & Development is kicking off its annual Year-End Match, offering supporters the opportunity to transform lives with twice the impact this holiday season. Thanks to a very generous group of donors, contributions that Episcopal Relief & Development receives between now and the end of the year will be doubled, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $650,000.
“One of the wonderful things about our work at Episcopal Relief & Development is that it’s a shared effort. By working together, our efforts multiply to transform lives,” said Rob Radtke, President & CEO, Episcopal Relief & Development. “I am deeply grateful to the generous donors who have stepped up to match donations and to every donor who partners with us to create lasting change.”
The Year-End Match will benefit the organization’s Global Needs Fund, supporting key programs in three priority areas: Women, Children and Climate. Gifts will bolster work promoting the health and wellbeing of children, empowering women and helping communities adapt to our changing climate. They will also strengthen the organization’s continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic in marginalized communities in the United States and around the world.
Contributions made to Episcopal Relief & Development before the end of the year are eligible for matching, including Gifts for Life, the organization’s alternative giving catalog, and direct contributions online, over the phone, or by mail. Gifts of stock or from an IRA are also included in the Year-End Match Challenge. This year’s stimulus package extended provisions on charitable deductions until December 31. Donations may qualify, even if donors don’t itemize deductions.
“Each year, during this matching gift period, thousands of generous donors – individuals and churches – answer the challenge to contribute, said Mike Smith, Major Gift Officer. “It is a strong financial partnership, and it’s what makes the global work of Episcopal Relief & Development possible.”
Between now and December 31, eligible contributions up to $650,000 will be matched. Donate online at episcopalrelief.org/match, or call 1.855.312.4325. Gifts can also be mailed to Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.
For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.