Ash Wednesday: One Body in Christ

During Lent we will periodically highlight passages from the 2015 Lenten Meditation booklet. This first one is from President Rob Radtke. Enjoy!

Few passages from scripture describe better the ethos of Episcopal Relief & Development than Paul’s Letter to the Romans. It takes all of us, working together as one body in Christ, to heal a hurting world. This was brought home to me vividly during a program visit I made to Myanmar in February of last year.
I had the honor of visiting a demonstration farm where about thirty students who had come from around the country were sitting in rapt attention under a shed listening to elderly men and women share their expertise in soil and crop management and animal husbandry.
Their teachers were passing along knowledge that had been lost during Myanmar’s dark years of civil and political unrest. the teachers were sharing how to rotate crops, how to use natural pesticides and fertilizers and how to breed animals.
This knowledge that had been lost was being recovered and passed along for the glory of God.
As one body in Christ, all of us have a role to play, just as the elderly teachers in Myanmar, in healing a hurting world.
What role will you play this Lent?
For more Lenten resources please visit:

Rob Radtke is President of Episcopal Relief & Development.
An Historical Journey
We invite you to journey with us through our 75 years of healing a hurting world. View our interactive timeline that takes you from our start in the 1940s to the present, and witness our growth in vision and direction. We thank you for your support that allows us to strive towards a flourishing future. It takes #AllHands75!