#KATRINA10 – Stories of Transformation: A Blog Series

#KATRINA10 BLOG SERIES ___________________________________________________________

Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast on August 25, 2005, leaving over 1,800 dead and tens of thousands displaced. For the ten-year anniversary, we captured stories to commemorate the event and celebrate the progress made to rebuild communities. These stories provide some perspective on the long-term work needed to recover from such catastrophic storms. Read how Hurricane Katrina revealed weaknesses and strengths that spurred transformation across the region, church and country.


“Hi, I’m from New Orleans”: Building Community After Katrina and Beyond

Having lived through Hurricane Katrina and helped with recovery, Elaine Clements has experience that helps her walk others through disasters.  Read More >>




Holding the Loss and the Grace: Remembering 10 Years Later 

Katie Mears, Director of Episcopal Relief & Development’s US Disaster Program, describes what is was like to go down to New Orleans unsure of what the experience will bring and to come back and see how it has transformed her personally as well as the church as a whole. Read More >>



Jericho Road: Rebuilding Community with Hope and Hard Work 

Through partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, the Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative has been able to aid more than 30 households in achieving their home-owning goals.  Read More >>




Hallelujah Housing: Building Relationships to Make Homeownership a Reality 

Through the help of Hallelujah Housing, Episcopal Relief & Development, the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi and HOPE Credit Union, Khadiyah now has a new home to raise her daughter in. Read More >>



Connecting Communities Through Humble Leadership: A Reflection from Bishop Gray 

Bishop Gray reflects on how flexibility, openness and humble leadership helped the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi connect with the most vulnerable members of storm-hit communities and how the diocese’s resources and expertise could best contribute to long-term recovery. Read More >>


 Donate to our Hurricane Harvey Response Fund

Your generous support will supply critical necessities for communities immediately and for the long-term as they recover and rebuild.