
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Friday, Dec 07, 2012

One of a Kind

I am in Myanmar this week on what is my twelfth visit to the country.  And each of my dozen trips has been unique.  Despite what seems to be a visit to an animal husbandry project and a micro-finance operation on every one of those trips, I find each project to be distinctive with 

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Tuesday, Dec 04, 2012

Taking Time to Wait

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is always a blur.  Between food, friends, shopping, traveling and – oh right – work, I have to confess that the whole Advent thing about “waiting” and “anticipating” seems a bit of a departure from reality.

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Friday, Nov 30, 2012

World AIDS Day 2012: Esperança ’s Esperança

World AIDS Day on December 1st brings together people from around the world to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and demonstrate international solidarity in the face of the pandemic. Between 2011-2015, World AIDS Days will have the theme of “Getting to zero: zero new HIV infections.

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Wednesday, Nov 21, 2012

Post-Sandy Thanksgivings

Episcopal Relief & Development has been working with Church partners in the Caribbean and along the US East Coast to mobilize local resources and provide immediate relief to those most impacted by Hurricane Sandy. The Rev. Luke Fodor is the Assistant Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church

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Friday, Nov 16, 2012

“A Shield in the Midst of Life’s Storms”

In mid-October, I traveled with Katie Mears, our Program Manager for US Disaster Preparedness and Response, to the town of West Pittston, Pennsylvania.  West Pittston had suffered severe flooding after Hurricane Irene in 2011, when the Susquehanna River overflowed its banks. 

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Friday, Nov 02, 2012

Healing a Hurting World in the Aftermath of Sandy, Part 2

Most disasters have three distinct, if sometimes overlapping phases: Rescue, Relief and Recovery. The Rescue phase is focused on saving lives and securing property, and is most acute in those parts of our region that were directly flooded or destroyed by fires.  This work is generally done

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