President Rob Radtke attends the Enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury

t was an honor today to represent Episcopal Relief & Development at the Enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury. I was joined by my colleagues who lead the development agencies in Canada and Australia.

The service was full of hope and glory with the soaring hymns and choir voices resounding through the cathedral. What really moved me, however, was the personal nature of the service and how it reflected Archbishop Justin as a child of God, just like the rest of us.
It started when he knocked on the Cathedral West Door three times to be admitted. A young girl was selected to ask on behalf of us all, “Who are you and why do you request entry?” His answer: “I am Justin, a servant of Jesus Christ, and I come as one seeking the grace of God, to travel with you in his service together.” To me that is a call to all of us to be servants of Jesus.
The second moment that moved me deeply was the anthem that was commissioned for Archbishop Justin by his mother and stepfather. The words come from the Rule of St. Benedict and start, “Listen, listen, O My child…”In the beautiful words sung by the choir, I could hear Archbishop Justin’s parents speaking to him. It was a deeply intimate moment when he is invited – indeed we are all invited – to “incline the ear of hearts” and “to receive willingly” our “loving Father’s advice.” I cannot imagine, as a parent, a more heart-felt entreaty to my child.
The Enthronement has also been a wonderful opportunity to share fellowship with many of our partners from around the world. All of the Provinces of the Anglican Communion are represented, and there is a sense of hope and optimism as we wish Archbishop Justin well in his ministry.
More resources:
You can view Rob being interviewed for the occasion here.
The inauguration’s order of service is here.
The Press Association photo gallery from the service is here.
Rob Radtke is President of Episcopal Relief & Development.
Rob Radtke is President of Episcopal Relief & Development.
Photo credit: Durham Cathedral