The Candle of Prayer in All of Us

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rides into Jerusalem in triumph – on a donkey. He arrives not as the force-wielding conquering hero, but as the man who listens to dreams of every person and says, “you are already loved by God.” The social hierarchy that makes some high and superior and the rest low and inferior is ended. After his arrest we the crowd cry, “Crucify Him!” How dare a man upset our social order by listening to the cherished dreams of every person regardless of rank or status? We may be angry but Jesus asks us to light a candle of prayer. That candle is in all our hearts, including the least and poorest of us.

Lit Faithfulness
It’s simpler
Than you think
No mountains
To climb
No epiphanies
To have
No words
To preach
Just buy a box of
It does not matter
Who you meet
Or what they
Each has a candle of
Cherished dreams
Invite everyone
Out of the rain
Out of the wind
Out of the sun
Just enough shelter
To pause
Most will not
They’ll just
Brush you by
Too busy
Too harried
Too ambitious
Too broken
If they give you
The time of day
Ask “Where’s
Your candle?”
Your ask will restore
Eaten by rats
Long hidden
Ask who
Rains on them
Blows out their light
Glares too bright
Then give them
The box of matches
Let them
Strike the light
If needed
Cup your hands
Protect the wick
As they
Light the candle
Of their dreams
Let the flickering
Grow to flame
Now listen to them in
Their sacred space
Hear the tales of their
Cherished dreams
“Is it lit?”
At “yes”
You leave behind
Not thinking
Read the sister poem here: Unlit Betrayal

Images: Top, “Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem” by Bernhard Plockhorst. Middle, Lighting prayer candles in church.