The Glory of God in Nature and Fellowship

The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.
— Psalm 118:14
Twice a year I go on a three- to four-day retreat at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, New York. It is a thin place for me with a few amenities, like good food and good company. In fact, I am writing this mediation at Holy Cross. My time at Holy Cross is for prayer, reflection and reading. Long walks in the John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary enable me to reflect on the glory of God in nature. The abundant and delicious food shared with interesting and eclectic companions reminds me of how Jesus, on his last night, gathered his friends together in fellowship. Hours spent on the front porch watching the Hudson River ebb and flow while indulging in unbroken hours lost in historical biography open my eyes to new narratives of how to do God’s work in a broken world.
My time in retreat at Holy Cross helps me grow closer to God and find my strength and my song to do the work of healing a hurting world through the work of Episcopal Relief & Development. Finally, it gives me new optimism as I shout out this Easter morning: the Lord is risen. Alleluia!

Robert W. Radtke is the President of Episcopal Relief & Development.
Image: Two people walking on a path. – Kellie McDaniel
During Lent we periodically highlighted passages from the 2016 Lenten Meditation booklet. Thank you for joining us!