Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2020 Lenten Meditations Support ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE

Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2020 Lenten Meditations Support ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE
Press Release
January 15, 2020
Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates the spiritual lives of children and how they inspire the spiritual lives of adults in the organization’s 2020 Lenten Meditations, now available in both English and Spanish at www.episcopalrelief.org/lent. In September 2019, the organization embarked on a three-year fundraising campaign, ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE, in order to expand its global work with children.
“As we save children, we save ourselves, we save our world,” said the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church. “This Lent, I invite supporters to join Episcopal Relief & Development in focusing on the spiritual lessons we can learn from the children in our lives and around the world.”
Through a partnership with Grow Christians, the 2020 Lenten Meditations focus on the gifts of children in the poignant and joyous recollections and reflections of educators, caregivers, parents and grandparents from around The Episcopal Church.
“More than a decade ago, General Convention asked Episcopalians to remember and support Episcopal Relief & Development during Lent. Since then, our annual observance of a holy Lent has been made more meaningful by remembering their lifesaving work around the globe,” said the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president, House of Deputies for The Episcopal Church and contributor to the Lenten Meditations. “Each year, I am grateful for the daily meditation booklet and online devotional that forms part of my Lenten discipline and for those across the church who contribute to it.”
Globally, 155 million children under the age of six are not able to reach their full potential because of inadequate nutrition, health care and other critical essentials. The first three years of life are critical to form a foundation for future learning, good health and well-being. Episcopal Relief & Development partners with communities to ensure children have access to food, clean water and quality health care. The 2020 Lenten Meditations support ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE to expand the organization’s programs that focus on children.
The Lenten Meditations are available as printed booklets, daily email meditations and, new this year, as audio podcasts. To have printed copies of the Lenten Meditations by Ash Wednesday, February 26, orders must be received by Forward Movement by Friday, February 14. Orders may be placed by visiting www.ForwardMovement.org or calling 1.800.543.1813. Lenten booklets and other resources including hope chests, pew envelopes, bulletin inserts and special prayers are available.
“Subscribers to our email meditations have been asking for podcasts for the past few years,” said Sean McConnell, Senior Director of Engagement for Episcopal Relief & Development. “We are excited this year that we will be able to provide the option of listening to the meditations through podcasts available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and SoundCloud.”
To learn more about ordering Lenten Meditations and other materials or planning an Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday, visit www.episcopalrelief.org/Lent. Supporters are also invited to sign up for daily email meditations in English and Spanish and to subscribe to the meditations as podcasts.
For over 75 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.