Message of Thanks from Episcopal Relief & Development

October 31, 2012
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Thank you all very much for your prayers and thoughts during this very sad and difficult time for those impacted by Sandy.
Episcopal Relief & Development is up and running with a skeleton staff on site and others working remotely as they can. All of our staff and their immediate families are safe. A number of our staff have damage to their homes and many will struggle with the breakdown in the public transportation system in the greater New York metropolitan area. We face many difficult weeks and months ahead but remain committed to our mission of responding to human need for all impacted by Superstorm Sandy.
Information about Episcopal Relief & Development’s response to the storm both here in the United States and in the Caribbean will be updated via our website ( where we are also collecting donations for what we know will be a very long and multifaceted recovery period from Sandy.
Robert W. Radtke