Episcopal Relief & Development and Trinity Church Wall Street Continue Coordinated Global Response to COVID-19 Pandemic with $1 Million Renewal Grant

Press Release
October 13, 2021
Episcopal Relief & Development and Trinity Church Wall Street are continuing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic globally. The partnership, supported by a $1 million renewal grant from Trinity Church Wall Street, builds upon an original $1 million grant awarded last year that reached over 2.1 million individuals in 38 countries with expanded relief efforts and strengthened resilience activities.
“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, and the needs are ongoing in many parts of the world,” said Abagail Nelson, Executive Vice President, Episcopal Relief & Development. “Our staff and program partners are eager to build on what we have learned over the past 18 months, and reach as many as we can to protect themselves, access vaccines and recover deeply damaged livelihoods.”
Trinity and Episcopal Relief & Development are coordinating their response to best leverage both organizations’ existing partnerships to provide rapid relief to help support economic resiliency in communities that have been particularly impacted by the pandemic. In addition to the two $1 million grants to Episcopal Relief & Development, Trinity has also granted over $1 million in funding directly to its Mission Real Estate Development and Leadership Development grantee partners worldwide, for a total commitment of $3 million in international COVID-19 response grants since the start of the pandemic.
“Trinity recognizes that while we’ve returned to many normal activities here in New York City, there are millions still suffering around the world. It’s important for us to offer help to some of the most vulnerable regions of the world that are struggling during this pandemic,” said the Rev. Phillip A. Jackson, Priest-in-Charge of Trinity Church Wall Street. “We are once again proud to partner with Episcopal Relief & Development, whose network will reach millions of people in need.”
Episcopal Relief & Development, with Trinity Church Wall Street’s support, will continue to work with local Anglican dioceses and other partners. The goal is to build upon response and resilience activities while facilitating long-term recovery and mitigating the pandemic’s secondary impacts, including rising food insecurity, economic and livelihood declines, mental health issues and family violence. Relief activities will include ensuring access to health information on COVID-19 prevention and vaccines; distribution of personal protective equipment and vaccines when the latter are available; and food and cash for food.
Additionally, the partnership continues to support local communities in resilience-focused interventions to help them prepare for and manage the long-term economic and health effects of the pandemic. Through its Savings with Education and other groups, Episcopal Relief & Development will serve more than 100,000 people with funds to support group savings, health messaging updates, strengthened connections to supply chains and market hubs as well as financial literacy training. These programs are focused on women’s empowerment and ensuring that children, particularly those under age three, continue to be safeguarded and supported.
“The pandemic has expanded and deepened the vulnerability experienced by many populations around the world,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “By expanding the effective methodologies of savings groups and financial skills training, we are equipping people to recover and strengthen their economic resilience.”
To learn more about Episcopal Relief & Development’s response, visit episcopalrelief.org/covid-19-response. Donations to the COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund will enable the organization to continue to provide emergency aid to vulnerable communities impacted by the pandemic, both in the United States and around the world.
About Episcopal Relief & Development:
For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster, and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.
About Trinity Church Wall Street:
Now in its fourth century, Trinity Church Wall Street is a growing and inclusive Episcopal parish of more than 1,200 members that seeks to serve and heal the world by building neighborhoods that live Gospel truths, generations of faithful leaders, and sustainable communities. The parish is guided by its core values: faith, integrity, inclusiveness, compassion, social justice, and stewardship. Members come from the five boroughs of New York City and surrounding areas to form a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse congregation. More than 20 worship services are offered every week at its historic sanctuaries, Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel, the cornerstones of the parish’s community life, worship, and mission, and online at trinitywallstreet.org. The parish welcomes approximately 2 million visitors per year.
Photo courtesy of the Anglican Church of Peru