
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Monday, Dec 22, 2014

Joy to the World. The Lord is Come!

Did you ever think about why this classic hymn uses “Joy is Come!” Rather than Joy has come?”  It isn’t just poetry. The oldtime hymn writers are actually pointing to something deep within our Christian consciousness.  Joy, in the Gospel stories, is about the

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Thursday, Dec 18, 2014

This Little Light of Mine

This week’s story comes from guest blogger Rachel Quednau. She’s participating in the ‘Share Your Story’ aspect of the 75th Anniversary Celebration. We’re excited to have her contribution and invite you to share your story as well!  

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Tuesday, Dec 16, 2014

Mozambique Partnership Combats Malaria, Responds to Intense Flooding

With picture postcard landscapes, rich agricultural possibilities, and a people committed to a sustainable future, Mozambique is a place of great beauty and potential. But intense seasonal flooding, periodic droughts and the burden of malaria and other communicable diseases continue to bring 

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Tuesday, Dec 09, 2014

Uniting in Florida to Support Small Farmers

One of the greatest advantages of having diverse international partnerships is being a nexus for the flow of critical information and best practices. Like a gardener selecting seeds based on local soil, water and light conditions, each partner curates their own selection of programs and projects to

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Thursday, Dec 04, 2014

Advent: Seeking and Serving Christ in All Persons

I don’t have too many memories of Advent from my childhood (the sense of waiting and preparation that I recall as a child came from the more secular concerns about new toys and a holiday meal!) but we did have a crèche, and it was put out in the living room with great ceremony every 

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Monday, Dec 01, 2014

Caring and Compassion for People Living with HIV/AIDS

By Faith Rowold and Ximena Diego.
Today’s feature story explores the vital work of our partner Siempre Unidos. It started with an Episcopal priest in Honduras who recognized a need in his community and found a way to offer care and compassion for people living 

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