
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Wednesday, Jan 04, 2017

Top 10 Stories of 2016

2016 came and went, but it left us with lessons learned, progress measured, and disasters relieved and recovered. Take a look at the Top 10 Stories of 2016: read, review, and share tales of compassion, justice, community, and renewal.

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Tuesday, Dec 27, 2016

On To The New Year!

In this blog, Esther Cohen shares her feelings about time speeding by and reflects on the growth of Episcopal Relief & Development.

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Monday, Dec 19, 2016

The Dignity of Christmas

In this blog Episcopal Relief & Development’s president Rob Radtke recognizes the humble yet dignified beginnings of the Holy Family during Christmas and looks to our partners to recognize the dignity in all that they do.

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Friday, Dec 16, 2016

Famous Paintings of the Holy Family

Enjoy this slide show of famous paintings of the Holy Family.

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Tuesday, Nov 29, 2016

World AIDS Day: Today’s Saplings are Tomorrow’s Trees

December 1st marks the 29th commemoration of World AIDS Day. Despite recent improved access to antiretroviral treatment in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic still claims an estimated 2 million lives each year, of which roughly 270,000 are children. That is intolerable.

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Thursday, Nov 17, 2016

Showing Thanks In This Season of Giving

Thanksgiving is upon us! If you are like me, then your prayers begin with a heavy dose of thanks to God. We may give thanks for our very existence, for the blessings of our family and friends, for the bounty of our table, for the beauty and joy of creation.

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