
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
Holistic Response: Prayer, Thought, and Generosity
By Miguel Angel Escobar
“I feel like an idiot now… I only sent money.” – Ricky Gervais
This past May, when MTV noted that Beyonce, Rihanna, and Katy Perry had tweeted their thoughts
Alice, a Beacon of Hope
We will be sharing perspectives from women in anticipation of International Women's Day on March 8, 2014. The theme is 'Inspiring Change'. This story comes from Karimah Shabazz, a recipient of the Ghana Pilgrimage Scholarship of 2013. It is a snapshot of her experience in Ghana
How Will I Live and Love Differently This Lent?
By The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori This reflection for Ash Wednesday is from the eleventh edition of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditation booklet. Leaders from across the Anglican Communion were invited to reflect on their favorite scriptures and
On Lent and Love
By Angela Kim
Growing up with a Christian background, surrounded by Christians my entire life, there are many traditions that have become just another routine or habit. Lent could be perceived as one of those traditions. Each year, I reflect on what I
‘I will, with God’s Help’
By Chad Brinkman As I think on the coming season of Lent, I reflect on the Baptismal Covenant, the promises made in the presence of God as to how we are called to live out our faith. In the Baptismal Covenant the question is asked: “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people,
Brick by Brick
We will be sharing perspectives from women in anticipation of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2014. The theme is ‘Inspiring Change’. This story comes from Mary Stuart Smart, a recipient of the Ghana Pilgrimage Scholarship of 2013. It is a snapshot of her experience in Ghana,